MGI Digital Technology has launched the AlphaJET, the world’s first Single-Pass B1+ Digital Inkjet Press from Printing to Finishing, featuring a unique combination of water-based CYMK Inks with in-line Digital Embellishment and Eco-Spot UV Coating & Green-Foil Technologies. Together with Konica Minolta, the first AlphaJET Democenter has been established for customers in a dedicated Center of Competence at Konica Minolta’s premises in Paris.
Today, five main steps are generally required in order to produce our products. MGI AlphaJET will enable us to simplify the production flow and free ourselves from certain printing constraints, without load breakages, without waste and in a time-efficient manner, with unparalleled productivity that is impossible to achieve using conventional equipment.
Jean-Pierre Chauvin
The MGI AlphaJET offers unlimited opportunities. The single-pass factory 4.0 from printing to finishing using water-based & UV inks is a breakthrough innovation for Printing and Packaging Industries. One equipment operator, one press and one single factory. AlphaJET has been a significant journey from concept to finalisation, but I know I speak on behalf of all the team in saying we are immensely proud of our achievements as we head towards full commercial production. Our all-in-one concept provides huge flexibility for value-added production from proofing to run-lengths of millions – all at a competitive cost.
Edmond Abergel
CEO of the MGI Group
The global launch of the MGI AlphaJET is a significant step forward as we continue to accelerate our digital transformation journey – both internally as well as externally. Today, we are growing far beyond our core markets and successfully expanding in markets such as IT services, healthcare, and digital manufacturing, as well as finishing and embellishment. Both MGI and ourselves continue to work closely together and with our customers in a collaborative approach, and we expect to make further announcements soon.
Olaf Lorenz
Senior General Manager, Digital Transformation Division at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe
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