Royal Caribbean Cruises

Royal Caribbean Cruises

Royal Caribbean Cruises

Upgrading their document management system to reduce costs and improve efficiency

International cruise company and holiday provider RCL Cruises Ltd. partnered with Konica Minolta Business Solutions to help improve efficiencies around customer information management through the implementation of a streamlined end to end document/content management program including a range of print hardware and document solutions including eCopy, SharePoint and Equitrac.




Hardware & Software


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd wanted to update their document management system. They needed to ensure records were efficiently managed within their back office operations. They were looking for a single supplier to provide:
  • multi-functional print devices
  • Equitrac - an existing print management solution running on their server they wanted to keep
  • a scanning/workflow solution
  • a document repository to replace their existing database that was being phased out
The key priority for them was for a supplier to provide a complete end-to-end solution. Critically any change in technology must not hinder end-customer relationships. The chosen supplier needed to ensure Royal Caribbean Cruises could provide a continuous seamless service.


After a comprehensive document workflow assessment, we recommend a solution with a mix of hardware and software. This would meet their existing and future needs. This new document/content management program has offered Royal Caribbean:
  • Full migration of existing data stored in outdated systems into new user-friendly systems
  • Reduced costs in the longer term
  • Tools to assist with collaborative working
  • Ensure continuous document security
  • Business process improvements
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Operating in such a highly customer centric industry as leisure, and with such a wide client base, we needed to ensure the procurement of new technology was as seamless as possible and integrated to ensure no disruptions were passed on to our customers.

Max Schmidt

Vice President of IT Operations, Royal Caribbean Cruises

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Print Workflow Automation

Improve your efficiency and flexibility with print workflow automation

Boost your productivity

  • hardware icon
  • software icon

Your print workflow is critical to your success as it can help you unify your different print technologies. An automated solution improves the quality of your output by reducing the manual handling required and any potential human errors.