Asbestos removal expert SL Environmental had reached a point where the safe filing and storage of its vital paper-based documents had become a significant challenge in terms of practicality and cost. Keen to find a digital alternative that enables it to store both historical and current/future paperwork, the company turned to the expert services of Paradigm Business Solutions Ltd supported in close partnership by technology manufacturer and supplier Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd.
As a highly regulated sector, asbestos removal involves the generation and storage of considerable amounts of documentation in the form of paperwork by the SL Environmental team. The company still uses paper documents as they are practical for use on-site, and typically a customer job can generate up to 1,000 pages, which the company must file for 40 years to meet compliance regulations. By its very nature, paper documentation makes it a challenge to find specific details quickly and efficiently, sometimes taking an hour or more to retrieve information. Another key issue was one of storage space, with current and historical printed records occupying 200 filing cabinets. There were also concerns regarding the risk of losing documentation in the event of a fire or flood. As a result, the management team looked to a digital storage alternative that would make information more readily accessible, secure, and compliant, as well as freeing up the significant space occupied by filing cabinets.
SL Environmental was introduced to expert Managed Print and Business Technology provider Paradigm Business Solutions, which works in close collaboration partnership with Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd. Sean O’Leary, Managing Director of SL Environmental commented, “We chose to partner with Paradigm Business Solutions through a recommendation by a mutual connection and through its reputation in delivering good customer service. The team’s expertise and dedication were evident from the very first interaction, taking the time to understand our business and the challenges we faced.”