Kingston University

Kingston University

Kingston University

Delivering cost savings and an enhanced service

Kingston University had multiple contracts in place for some very old devices. So with its legacy contract coming to an end in 2017, they wanted to achieve standardisation across the entire print fleet. They wanted a single solution with standardised costs, consistent equipment and service delivery, campus-wide.

The University was keen to maximise the use of MFDs and reduce spend on disparate local printers that weren't cost effective. A better service delivery also a key driver for change. By migrating to a networked MFD-first infrastructure they could reduce the number of standalone printers. And gain the insight into all volumes output across their entire fleet.




Optimised Print Services


50% less in Colour Print Cost

University costs reduced by 30%


The University was looking to achieve standardisation across its entire print fleet.
With multiple contracts in place, some for very old devices, it wanted to opt for a single solution with standardised costs, consistent equipment and service delivery, campus-wide. Whilst an ongoing programme to migrate to MFDs and remove standalone printers had been successful to some degree, there were still multiple local printers across all sites which were unaccounted for. “We were keen to maximise the use of MFDs and reduce spend on disparate local printers which weren’t very cost-effective,” explained David Rimmer, Head of Service Delivery.


Following a robust competitive tender process, using the RM3781 framework they chose to partner with us. This was based on a cost effective approach to delivering our Optimised Print Services (OPS) solution. As part of this we:
  • rationalised the University's fleet providing over 100 MFDs
  • upgraded the legacy print management software solution
  • had a card reader fitted on the MFDs and a secure 'pull print' service was created.
A number of desktop printers were kept. And we installed entry-level production printing devices and solutions in their print room. They now had awareness and control over usage and cost across the entire fleet for the first time. The University has been able to reduce the cost of print to students by 50% for colour printing. As part of our OPS solution we ensure continuous optimisation of the print fleet. This includes changing device locations on a regular basis to maximise uptime.
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Konica Minolta has been an excellent partner and has provided superb equipment. The initiative has significantly contributed to our green targets, reduced our costs by more than 30% and improved the print service to students and staff.

Simon Harrison

CIO, Kingston University London