GI Solutions

GI Solutions

GI Solutions

Hitting the sweet spot with transactional digital solutions

GI Solutions were a rapidly evolving marketing support service group. A print and direct mail company, they began moving into the transactional market for documentation. To grow in this area they needed to expand their digital print production capacity. As part of the tender process, we were invited to their facility to show what we could offer to meet the print quality and output speed they needed.


Marketing Support Service


Transactional Digital Printing

Output Speed

Exceptional Print Quality


One area of growth which GI Solutions has firmly targeted is the transactional market for documentation such as invoices and statements.
To successfully grow in the market for transactional documentation output GI Solutions decided it would be necessary to expand its digital print production capacity to cater for the predicted increase in demand. The company began investigating the digital production print market to find the ideal solution.


GI Solutions thought our digital production presses hit the sweet spot, offering exceptional value in both these areas. They also chose us for our response SLAs and decided to buy three different models. Two digital colour machines and one high-speed monochrome machine.

The colour machines were designed to meet the demanding and diverse requirements of the commercial print sector. While the monochrome machine offered razor sharp quality, even on the smallest fonts. The combination of these three machines allowed them to achieve a quick turnaround, even on longer print runs.

quotation marks

"Our experience with Konica Minolta couldn't have gone any smoother than it did; they have done a really comprehensive job. The quality of output is exemplary, Konica Minolta's quality, speed, affordability and simplicity make them the leaders in this market, and I fully expect to continue to develop our partnership in the future."

Robin Carruthers

Manufacturing Director, GI Solutions

a woman gets post out of her mailbox

Transactional Marketing

Increase profits with promotional messages on transaction documents

Boost your sales revenues

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Transaction documents like bills and invoices tend to be read and reviewed more carefully than any other document type. This makes them a highly attractive medium to promote a product or service.