It is about one year ago – on March 13, 2020, to be precise – that the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to shift the majority of Konica Minolta’s business in Europe to working from home. Countless companies and organisations large and small across the globe had to do the same. If we consider our business work environment as a complex ecosystem, then we can safely say that COVID-19 has ripped a hole through the heart of that ecosystem. It has wreaked havoc on many of our established daily work routines and processes whilst also challenging how we nurture and grow business relationships. This unforgettable year will obviously leave an indelible mark on many communities and families. But it will also change how we live and work forever. It is up to all of us to decide what we learn from this past year and how it will change us as well as what opportunities are available for a different future that exploits everything we have learnt. As in nature, for the inhabitants of an ecosystem, even catastrophic events present opportunities for new, fresh growth. Let us seize these opportunities to shape a work environment that is better than before, across our entire business landscape. What I mean by this goes far beyond settling for more flexible home office agreements. It is time to let go of some long-held beliefs about work and embrace new digital workplace options. We have to truly embrace digital transformation will all its impacts and opportunities.