
How to switch Managed IT Service Providers – without the risk

Switching your Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) can feel like a risky move, even if it is necessary. After all, unless you have the expertise to manage all your IT needs internally, your MSP is an essential service provider, and it can feel like you are over a barrel when things go sour. However, the good news is that like switching a bank account or a mobile phone provider, the process of switching your MSP doesn’t have to be painful or daunting, as long as you use the right approach.

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Your Managed Service Provider relationship is one of the most important elements in protecting your IT systems and all-important data, which is the lifeblood of your business. Although this is a vital relationship, there is no reason why you should have to settle for a provider that doesn’t meet your needs. If you aren’t happy with the service or support you receive, it is time to consider switching your MSP.

What to consider before you decide to switch

Whilst this should be a straightforward process, there are a number of things to consider before you make the move to an alternative MSP:

  • If you are unhappy with the service levels and partnership of your current IT provider, what are the specific gaps and what are your additional requirements?

  • Have you engaged with your existing MSP about your concerns and the gaps? Any good MSP should respond to this escalation and look to resolve the issues.

  • How much does a new alternative provider cost? How do they compare to your existing service?

  • Will a new MSP resolve your existing struggles? Will it improve the support and protection your business needs?

  • How long will switching provider take and will it impact the productivity and continuity of your business?

Planning for the switch

Once you have considered these questions and decided that moving to a new MSP is the right solution, you then need to carefully consider your choice of replacement. It is important to follow a structured approach to ensure a smooth transition and minimal risk to your operations as you make the transition.
Here are our recommended steps in changing your MSP:

Step one - Conduct an audit of your existing IT systems and investments

Having surveyed Konica Minolta’s MSP customers, we discovered an astonishing 90% didn’t know the true state of their IT when they first approached us for help. It is important to complete an audit of assets and the state of IT before agreeing to switch. This is not only in your best interests, but also those of your intended provider, because services and service levels can’t be delivered based on an unknown.

If you speak to a provider that attempts to transition you without an audit, this should raise alarm bells. The process involves identifying and checking the state of all hardware, software and cloud environments that are to be included in the proposed managed service. This also helps the MSP to identify any IT or data risks that need to be addressed immediately to ensure continuity and safety of your systems.

Step two – Introduce your new MSP to your incumbent provider before you transition

Before leaving your existing MSP, check your notice period or get out clause so you can line up the new MSP to take over at the right time to ensure a smoother transition. Introduce both MSP’s so they can handle the handover more easily. Also, communicate to your staff what is happening and how this may affect their day-to-day use of IT during the transition.

Step three - Offboarding your old IT provider

Generally, your incumbent MSP should work happily with you on anything to help, however you may find some friction during the offboarding process (for obvious reasons). The key is communication.

Ensure both parties understand when the existing service will end and when the new service will start. Also, ensure that you are given all the administrative credentials and information needed to hand over to your new MSP. During the offboarding process the old MSP may need to attend sites to remove the hardware and software it owns, enabling the new MSP to install its hardware and software as required.

Step four - Your new IT provider takes control

During this time the new MSP will change any admin logins to lock out the old MSP (and any other routes of access) and will also carry out a full check on the network to ensure it is fully secure. During this stage the new MSP may have a permanent onsite presence for a week or two to familiarise itself with your business, and for your staff to be aware of the new support routes and who they are dealing with.

Step five - Support is provided by your new IT provider

At this stage your new MSP is embedded into the day-to-day running of your IT to ensure the smooth running of your IT operations. The right provider will help you avoid the issues you had with the previous provider and will look to build a long-term and lasting relationship of mutual trust.

Tips on making the switch easier and safer

Before you make any changes, it is sensible to know the contract terms of your current IT provider. Once you know your notice period you can then accurately determine the timeline for the switch to your new MSP.

Once you have approached a potential new MSP you should engage with any discovery assessment process – any managed service provider that isn’t interested in the detail of your IT requirements should be treated with caution. How can you support something if you don’t know what it is and what state it is in! Ensure you and the proposed MSP have the complete picture of your IT health – the existing state, gaps in your IT provisions, and what is required to be supported.

Moving away from your current MSP may feel like an unwelcome hassle on top of your existing to-do list, but if your business isn’t getting the service you need and deserve, it is time to change.

Konica Minolta’s friendly expert team has vast experience in transitioning businesses like yours to our Managed IT Services and we understand it can be a daunting prospect to the uninitiated. We will help you tie up the loose ends with your previous supplier and ensure you get the support your business needs, all for an affordable monthly fee.


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