For large organisations this will be part of ongoing planning, but for the 5.6 million small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that make up
99.9% of the business population in the UK, this may require a fresh perspective on business planning and operations.
Although Konica Minolta is a large multi-national company, most of our customers fall into the SME category, so we are highly focussed on what makes this sector tick. To fully embrace the opportunities, it is essential to understand the current situation, so Konica Minolta recently commissioned an extensive survey from expert business analyst Keypoint Intelligence on the current state of Digital Transformation across the SME sector.
The results are taken from a good cross-section of SME organisations (including IT, Financial, Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare and Telecoms/Energy/Utilities etc) and provide a fascinating insight into the state of UK SMEs. The results also provide an essential guide as to where improvements need to be made to fully grasp the opportunities available.